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RUHAGO: Arsenal become England's first team to return to training after 47 days

Paul Fuggles, International Correspondent. 2020-04-28 13:51:44

Arsenal players are back in training after 47 days in isolation on Monday (April 27th), due to the coronavirus that has swept the world, and is preparing for the start of the season.

It is a practice that is performed in groups of five players and is done in just one hour.

Arsenal have been the first team to resume their sporting activities in the United Kingdom in preparation for the resumption of the league, which is expected to return soon.

Players are currently not allowed to meet as usual. All the buildings in the stadium are still closed so each player must come dressed and it is also expected that each player will have to take off the training equipment he or she has been wearing and wear other kit.

There is a fear that fans will come to see the most popular team in training or wait for the players outside the stadium only the players who have been told not to talk to them or allow them to take pictures with them or sign them on their clothes or provide autographs

Players were told that they should avoid contact and avoid mixing.

Prior to the postponement of the season, Arsenal were in ninth place with 40 points ahead of them in the top four of their Champions League quarter-finals at home to Chelsea. 4th place with 8 points.

Each of the first division teams in the UK, the league has stopped with about 9 games left.

It is expected that as the number of infections and coronavirus infections in Europe drops sharply in the UK, the rest of the English teams will resume training next May.

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Author: Paul Fuggles, International Correspondent Published: 2020-04-28 13:51:44 CAT
Yasuwe: 268


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