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Movie Review: Iseta, behind the roadblock

Paul Fuggles, International Correspondent. 2020-04-08 16:33:13

April 1994, on a quiet road in Kigali a group of neighbors was filmed. But this was the opening days of the Rwandan Genocide.

This documentary re-visits the scene following the cameraman, victims, survivors, killers and witnesses.

But all they were unaware that they were filmed, that this moment unlike a dream can be replayed, each character watches the footage, each has a very different interest and emotion. From the original footage the story follows a thread of revelation, so many souls lost in the mist of ethnic hatred, they came together for one terrible hour on a quiet road.

ISETA- Behind the Roadblock from Juan Reina on Vimeo.

Language: English (some Kinyarwandan)
Subtitles: English translation


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Author: Paul Fuggles, International Correspondent Published: 2020-04-08 16:33:13 CAT
Yasuwe: 669


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