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Movie Review: 94 Terror

Paul Fuggles, International Correspondent. 2020-04-08 22:11:39

After the assassination of Rwanda President, Juvenal Habyarimana, the Hutus condemned the Tutsis and invaded their homesteads killing whoever looked Tustsi, Keza's family was murdered in her sight but she narrowly escaped with the help of her mates; Shema a Hutu, Mutesi a Tutsi and the rest, together they have to sneak through the risky bushes to make it out of Rwanda alive.


94 TERROR MOVIE from Mulindwa Richard on Vimeo.

Language: English / Kinyarwandan
Subtitles: English translation


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Movie Review: 94 Terror

Author: Paul Fuggles, International Correspondent Published: 2020-04-08 22:11:39 CAT
Yasuwe: 511


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