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Movie Review: 100 Days

Paul Fuggles, International Correspondent. 2020-04-18 11:49:01

100 Days is a 2001 drama film directed by Nick Hughes and produced by Hughes and Eric Kabera. The film is a dramatization of events that happened during the Rwandan genocide in 1994. The title of the film is a direct reference to the length of time that passed from the beginning of the genocide on 6 April until it ended in mid-July 1994.

The film was the first feature film made about the 1994 genocide and focuses on the life of a young, refugee Tutsi girl and her attempts to find safety while the genocide is taking place. It was shot at locations where the Rwandan Genocide actually occurred.
(source: IMDB)


Language: English / Kinyarwandan

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Author: Paul Fuggles, International Correspondent Published: 2020-04-18 11:49:01 CAT
Yasuwe: 1131


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