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Charles N. Lambert to introduce the birth of New African Economy system


Mr. Charles N. Lambert, Commander of the First African Economic War for African Economic Independence, launched a campaign for the birth of a new Africa through a new economic system known as Compassionate Capitalism

Lambert says Africa was first born when it gained independence but that this time it needs to be born again.

Lambert's second birth, he said, would create a way to know who Africans are when they are not based on the effects of colonialism. Africa's second birth is what will set the blueprint for human development.

This long-awaited birth under the name "African Renaissance" or "Africa for Africans" is mentioned in the long
essays by Charles N. Lambert in his articles on the economic war in its 26th chapter.
This second birth is based on a new economic system known as Compassionate Capitalism which includes a 
detailed plan to implement the return of slaves as the masters of the great African economy. This will lift
hundreds of millions of Africans out of poverty rapidly and improve the rural population.
Lambert explains that the birth will take place through two key activities combined with a trinity forum 
consisting of The Black Wall Street, Redirect Mall and Development Channels. Africa's second birth is
based on the transfer of the first ideology that brought African Americans back to Africa through the economic
integration of Black Wall Street and Trap Reinvest economies over the past 100 years.
The first activities focused on Africa’s second birth were based on the idea of ​​a better understanding of 
Capitalism, the creation of a new platform for cooperation and the reintroduction of Black Wall Street.
The second event is the Festival of Resurrection of Millions of People, which will take place in November 2021.
600 major businesses and all other activities aimed at transforming Africa into a global continent and bringing 
it to the forefathers ’long-held dream, as Lambert goes on to describe it.
Uganda has been selected as the African capital to achieve all of this, according to the BWS leader, which will 
allow no country to reconsider its position on Africa at will.
That is why both of the major activities mentioned above will take place in Uganda and the Balaam Marketing 
and Promotions Agency is the one that has been given the right to raise the African flag.
The inaugural ceremony will take place on May 31 and June 1, 2021 at the Black Wall Street House 
(BWS House) in Kampala Uganda.
Lambert also says that BWS will launch 7 activities initially and give awards to Pan Africanists in two days 
to commemorate those who brought ideas before the Second African Revival.
“Among the 7 things we’re launching is a book known as the New World of Compassionate Capitalism that 
refutes the views of ancient Europeans like Adam Smith, two books based on Africans in the Plays- When the
Samba Broke and Wait Until Dawn in traditional African culture, the 1,000 words of Charles N. Lambert's
commentary emphasize that the second-generation African writer is a psychologist ”is reflected in the BWS

The launch of the 7-star also includes a new version of the social circle in the name of the Economic Circle the 
best way to connect social media and liberate the African economy.
In the message, Lambert says, "We are also launching the first BWS business known as Good Morning Africa 
(bread), a new Black Wall Street program, and a new Black Wall Street Satellite TV."
Then, in the case of BWS, the unprecedented awards known as the Advocate of Africa Award will be given 
annually to the Pan Africanist dignitaries, who will present awards to the top 28 recipients including
President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni and 12 other well-known Ugandans, Wole Soyinka, PLO, among others.
Lambert said.


Izindi nkuru wasoma

Uburengerazuba:Turabasaba kwirinda ruswa mu kazi kanyu- guverineri Dushimimana Lambert

Akanyamuneza ni kose ku ikipe APR FC nyuma yo gutsinda Young Africans

Muri kaminuza ya Charles umuntu yarashe ,abantu 14 barapfa abandi 25 barakomereka

DRCongo: Perezida Félix Tshisekedi yavuze u Rwanda mu biganiro yagiranye n’Umwami Charles III.

Epatite B & C bishobora gutera Kanseri y'umwijima-Dr Charles RBC.

Author: Chief Editor Published: 2021-04-26 17:24:29 CAT
Yasuwe: 843


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